Covid-19: FY expectations downgraded by 25%

This is less than the $356.1bn returned by the global gambling sector 10 years ago. However the data business expects to see a return to its pre-pandemic growth trajectory in 2022.
Online is now projected to command a 19.8% share of the 2020 global gambling market. This compares to a pre-pandemic forecast of 13.19%, reflecting the acceleration of online take-up and the greater impact on the land-based sector of physical closures and social distanced operating requirements (Chart 6).
iGB’s principal data partner has estimated interactive, including lottery, will hit $80bn gross win next year, having only broken the $40bn threshold in 2015.
The Asia/Oceania region, where the outbreak first originated, saw the biggest downgrade over the year, ending 30.9% behind the pre-pandemic forecast figure (Chart 3).
H2 Gambling Capital is the gambling industry’s leading consulting, market intelligence and data team. The company has a track record of 15 years focused on the global gambling industry, its projections have been influential in shaping legislators’ and investors’ views of the gambling sector across the globe.
Photo by Anton Uniqueton from Pexels